


组织信任与知识共享行为的演化博弈分析 张瑞,周万坤,陈倩竹 (安徽大学商学院,安徽 合肥230601) 摘要:在知识经济时代,如何提升员工间的知识共享行为已成为企业保持核心竞争力的关键所在。组织信任与员工的知识共享行为之间存在着联系。本文在“员工是有限理性的”基础上,选取知识数量、共享能力系数、共享奖励系数、共享惩罚系数、共享风险系数以及共享成本系数等六个变量,构建知识共享行为的演化博弈模型,分析上述变量在知识共享行为中发挥的作用,进而探讨组织信任如何通过这些变量对知识共享行为产生影响。研究结果表明:知识数量、知识贡献系数、共享奖励系数和共享惩罚系数与知识共享行为正相关而共享风险系数和成本系数与知识共享行为反相关,情感信任促进知识获取而认知信任促进知识贡献。研究结果为解决企业知识共享中的现实问题提供了新的思路。 关键词:知识共享;演化博弈;认知信任;情感信任;知识贡献;知识获取 主要研究结论:本文在“员工为有限理性的”基础上,选取知识数量、共享能力系数、共享奖励系数、共享惩罚系数、共享风险系数以及共享成本系数等六个变量,构建知识共享行为的演化博弈模型,运用演化博弈的分析方法探讨上述变量在知识共享行为中发挥的作用,进而探讨组织信任如何通过这些变量对知识共享行为产生影响。 通过对演化博弈系统的分析可以看到:(1)提高知识数量、知识贡献系数、共享奖励系数以及共享惩罚系数,能够增加演化博弈系统收敛于点Z(1,1)的概率,即提高这些系数能够促进员工选择贡献知识的演化稳定策略。(2)降低共享风险系数和共享成本系数,能够增加演化博弈系统收敛于点Z(1知识共享组织,1)的概率,即降低这些系数能够促进员工贡献知识。(3)知识获取系数对系统是否收敛于点Z(1知识共享组织,1)毫无影响,即改变知识获取系数并不能促进员工贡献知识。 组织信任与知识共享行为关系的分析可以看到:(1)在知识贡献阶段,认知信任有助于确定知识贡献方的知识数量、对知识的转化率以及贡献知识的成本,所以相对于情感信任,认知信任更能够促进员工进行知识贡献。(2)在知识获取阶段,基于情感信任的共享惩罚系数对知识贡献方的影响更大,且情感信任有助于降低知识贡献方的共享风险系数,所以相对于认知信任,情感信任更能够促进知识获取。 综上所述:知识数量、知识贡献系数、共享奖励系数和共享惩罚系数能够促进知识共享行为的发生,而共享风险系数和成本系数对员工的知识共享行为起到反作用。认知信任更能够促进员工进行知识贡献,情感信任更能够促进员工进行知识获取。 An analysis of evolutionary game between organizational trust and knowledge sharing Zhang Rui, Zhou Wankun, Chen Qianzhu (School of Business, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, Anhui, China) Abstract:Currently, knowledge sharing among employees become integral for organizational success as the knowledge acquired through the sharing process is considered the main source for managers during decision making as well as a source for better employees′ performance and productivity, hence organizational productivity。 In addition, the knowledge captured during the knowledge sharing process become the wealth for both employees and the enterprise。 One of the main keys, identified by researchers, to ensure effective knowledge sharing among employees is trust。 There is no doubt that employees would engage in sharing what they know if they trust the others, in other words, trust lays the ground for sharing。 In practice, organizations and managers would develop policies and programs to improve trust among employees in order to ensure an environment where employees are "happy" to share what they know because they "trust" the others would do the same。 Past research demonstrated that employees fear to share what they know because they think they would lose their competitiveness if they share。 It is the organization′s/management′s responsibility to build an atmosphere of trust to capture their employees′ know-how。 Accordingly, the paper identified and analyzed six variables to construct the proposed evolutionary game model based on knowledge sharing behavior. These six variables are: knowledge quantity, sharing ability coefficient, sharing reward coefficient, sharing penalty coefficient, sharing risk coefficient and sharing cost coefficient. This paper addresses and analyses the role of these variables in knowledge sharing behavior. It also discusses how organizational trust affect the knowledge sharing behavior through these variables. Each of these variables was analyzed to find how it affects the overall knowledge sharing behavior among the enterprise′ employees. In addition, the analysis also was administered on combinations of these factors and how these combinations affect the enterprise′s knowledge sharing。 For example, the results demonstrated that knowledge quantity, knowledge contribution coefficient, sharing reward coefficient and sharing penalty coefficient are positively correlated with knowledge sharing behavior。 These variables are integral for the success of sharing knowledge as they insure high levels of trust among them。 Sharing risk coefficient and cost coefficient are inversely related to knowledge sharing behavior。 Accordingly, employees demonstrated based on the analysis that employees would share regardless of the risk and cost associated with the sharing process。 The analysis also showed that emotional trust promotes knowledge acquisition and cognitive trust promotes knowledge contribution。 The originality of this research stems from its development of an evolutionary game model based on trust used to ensure effective knowledge sharing among group members participated in the game。 Key words:knowledge sharing; evolutionary game; cognitive trust; emotional trust; knowledge contribution; knowledge acquisition 引用本文:张瑞,周万坤,陈倩竹.组织信任与知识共享行为的演化博弈分析[J].科研管理,2020,41(10):210-217.



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